
Monitoring of construction and installation of projects was carried out in the …

On July 5 of this year, experts and technical supervisors monitored construction and installation works of ongoing projects in the Kushtepa district of the Ferghana region.

July 6, 2023 561

Within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development project, construct…

In the mahalla of “Porlok” in Yazyavan district of Fergana region, construction work continues within the framework of the“Rural infrastructure development”project .

A training was held for the employees of the "Rural infrastructure development"…

On June 21 this year, a training on disability inclusion to improve accessibility of infrastructure was held for the employees of the "Rural Infrastructure Development" project and the "Medium -size Cities Integrated Urban Develo…

Public discussion of sub-projects of the Rural Infrastructure Development proje…

On June 13 of this year, in the khokimiyat of the Bayavut district of the Syrdarya region, within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development project, a checklist of the environmental and social management plan for su…

Tender for the execution of design and survey work for the implementation of th…

We invite design firms to take part in Tenders for the execution of design and survey work and the development of turnkey work projects for the performance of the work described below.

Public discussions on subprojects were held in Jizzakh region

On June 2 of this year, in the khokimiyat of the Bakhmal district of the Jizzakh region, within the framework of the “Rural Infrastructure Development Project”, a checklist of the environmental and social ma…

Within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project, construct…

Large-scale construction and repair works are being carried out in remote villages of our republic on the basis of sub-projects developed for 2020-2024 by the “Rural Infrastructure Development” Project Implementation …

A meeting was held between specialists from JPIU and representatives of the Wor…

A meeting was held between specialists from JPIU and representatives of the World Bank, with the main topic being the Management Information System. During a constructive dialogue, the possibilities and advantage…

A seminar “Empowering Rural Women in Uzbekistan: support poor rural women of Uz…

A seminar “Empowering Rural Women in Uzbekistan: support poor rural women of Uzbekistan through local development platforms" was held today, May 10, 2023. The seminar participants discussed women's role and the improvement of women…