
Another online meeting of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project manageme…

Today the "Rural Infrastructure Development" Project Director Z. Urakov, Deputy Director of the Project Z. Rakhimov had another online meeting with representatives of the World Bank - social development specialist R. Wrobel, World Bank consultant R.…

The progress of work on the subproject "Reconstruction of the branch of seconda…

The reconstruction of the school for 220 students is in full swing. Currently, the existing building is being renovated, as well as the foundation is being installed for the construction of new buildings.

Meeting of representatives of the World Bank with qishloq facilitators of Jizza…

On November 18 of this year there was an online meeting held among specialists of the “Rural Infrastructure Development” Project, representatives of the World Bank - community mobilization expert B. Bode, social development specialist R. Wrobel and …

Online meeting of the head of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project and …

On November 17 this year, the head of the “Rural Infrastructure Development" Project Z. Urakov, the World Bank representatives, social development specialist R. Wrobel, the World Bank consultant R. Tlepova, the World Bank Community Mobilization expe…

Congratulations with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the flag of the Re…

The law ”On the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on November 18, 1991 at the 7th Session of the Oliy Kengash of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The state flag is a symbol of the state sovereignty of Uzbekistan. Congratulations with …

Presentation at the regional Kengash of People's Deputies in Namangan region

On November 10, at the twenty-sixth session of the regional Kengash of People's Deputies in Namangan region with the participation of regional deputies, deputy khokims and advisers, heads of administrations, departments and organizations, representa…

Lots for the development of Design and Estimate Documentation (DED) for Syrdary…

The “Rural Infrastructure Development” Project has announced a tender for the development of design & estimate documentation for the selected sub-projects in Syrdarya region. You can find the detailed information on the tender documentation and the …

Training Workshop for Facilitating Partners

In the central office of “Rural Infrastructure Development” Project PIU specialists conducted a training workshop: "Paperwork management for the accomplished work on communities’ mobilization " for Facilitating Partners. In accordance with the pu…

Agreement on "Reconstruction of the branch of secondary school No. 30 in “Saro…

On November 2 of the year, "Single Customer Service" Engineering company under Khokimiyat of Jizzakh region and the “Rural Infrastructure Development” PIU under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction signed an agreement with “QU…

Social Audit

Social audit is a process in which the Community Participatory Monitoring Committee and Mahalla Development Units (MDU) organize monitoring and evaluation of the planning and implementation of the Qishloq Development Plan, and separately, the Commun…