At the moment, a discussion is ongoing on the topic "Elaboration of a Master Plan for the development of territories". The discussion is attended by employees of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekis…
At the moment, a discussion is ongoing on the topic "Elaboration of a Master Plan for the development of territories". The discussion is attended by employees of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekis…
The capital reconstruction and improvement of this building were conducted under the Rural Infrastructure Development Project with financing from the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The total cost of the sub-project is UZS 5…
As part of the Rural Infrastructure Development project, Boxes for complaints and appeals installed in MCAs are checked by Facilitation Partners ACTED (France)/Yuksalish NM/Taraqqiyot NGO/ISW (Canada) on the 25th-30th of each month. Written appeals …
Yesterday, Senator Talibjon Madumarov, Chairman of the Committee on Democratic Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and Self-Government Bodies of Citizens, Deputy Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekis…
These days, all the residents of the "Saroy" village of Jizzakh region, together with the regional employees of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project, have rallied to work together to improve the territory of the new school. Within the frame…
Within the framework of the "Rural Infrastructure Development" Project, FP ACTED (France)/Yuksalish NM/Taraqqiyot NGO/ISW (Canada) on August 6-20, 2022 organized meetings with the rural population related to the creation of a public drinking water s…
Zafar Urakov, JPIU Director, got introduced with the current state of construction of a school in Pakhtaabad district, Andijan region. In accordance with the principles of the Project, this meeting was held with the participation of the public, in p…
Within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project (PRDP) under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, in Kakhramon mahalla of Syrdarya region, work is underway to reconstruct school No. 10, designed for 624 pl…
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan Project: Sustainable Rural Development Project Sector: Infrastructure Mode of Financing: Instalment Sale Financing No. UZB-1023 1. The Republic of Uzbekistan has received financing in the amount of US$ 338.0 milli…