
An ad hoc group pays a visit to Ferghana valley

On 13 July, the Director of the Project Implementation Unit and a World Bank Specialist paid a working visit to Andijan region to observe the training process for Facilitating Partner in Fergana Valley and to monitor the project implementation proce…

Another round of trainings to launch in Ferghana valley

On 5 July 2021 capacity building training for Qishloq facilitators and engineers, institutional and social development specialists of Facilitator Partners is to be launched in 3 regions of Ferghana valley in the framework of Rural Infrastructure Dev…

Design tender announced

On 2 July, 2021, a tender was announced on the website for the design of rehabilitation of existing rural water supply systems, restoration of tertiary roads, sidewalks and footpaths, improvement of drainage to floods, restoration and…

In Ferghana Valley, within the Project, non-governmental non-profit organizatio…

Currently, in Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions within the "Rural Infrastructure Development " project, it is planned to select 130 villages in 2021-2022, in this regard, a tender was held and contracts were signed between non-governmental non-p…

The online mission raised the issue of environmental and social screening

As part of an online mission with the World Bank, social and environmental safeguards specialists from central and inter-regional offices of the Project Implementation Unit focused on human health and the impact on the environment during a discussio…

Representatives of regional Khokimiyats discussed the process of procurement

As part of an online mission with the World Bank, the Project Implementation Unit held procurement discussions on 9 June. The meeting was attended by representatives of the authorities of 5 pilot regions and "Single Customer Service" Engineering com…

An online mission with the World Bank to be launched

On 8 June, an online mission with the World Bank has started for the Project Implementation Unit. PIU staff from central and interregional offices attended the first day of the mission. The meeting provided a brief overview of the activities and res…

Discussing the working project and general plan for school

On May 19, 2021, during his business trip to Andijan region, Z. Urakov, the Head of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project, visited Andijan Civil Engineering Institute, which is the designer of an educational infrastructure that has planned to…

Mobilization activities in Jizzakh and Syrdarya region are ongoing

The ongoing community mobilization works in April and May in MCAs of Zamin district , Farish district , Yangiabad district, Jizzakh region; and Sardoba district, Syrdarya region with the participation of MDU members and its youth committee, an ini…

Resource Map presented to public

Currently, community mobilization activities continue according to the schedule, in particular Zamin, Forish, Yangiabad districts of Jizzakh region, as well as Sardoba and Khavass districts of Syrdarya region. From 12 to 23 April in the above-mentio…