Social audit is a process in which the Community Participatory Monitoring Committee and Mahalla Development Units (MDU) organize monitoring and evaluation of the planning and implementation of the Qishloq Development Plan, and separately, the Community Participatory Monitoring Committee analyzes the effectiveness of the MDUs (in accordance with the QDP) in each qishloq. The Community Participatory Monitoring Committee will facilitate a Social Audit every six months. Social Audits will be conducted in the form of public forums, at which district Khokimiyats representing District Project Committees (DPC) and MDU will report on progress of the project, problems and fiduciary information (budget execution reports publishing, provision of audit for all operations, tracking of all payments, providing access to documents) every 6 months during the Project implementation cycle. Contractors and beneficiaries will also participate in the social audit process. The purpose of Social Audit is to provide information to the population from all villages: - about the resources allocated for the Project in accordance with the approved Qishloq Development Project (QDP); - about the location of the new or renovated infrastructure and its relation to other blocks/streets in the village that have or do not have certain infrastructure and services; - about the general achievements of the Mahalla Development Units (MDU) (in accordance with the QDP); - about the quality of the infrastructure, whether it meets people's expectations; - maintenance of infrastructure in an appropriate manner by the population or the relevant department. Social audit will guarantee: - transparency and accountability of the MDU to the citizens that have chosen them; - control over the fact that construction firms perform their work properly. The RIDP facilitators should help the Community Participatory Monitoring Committee to organize a Social Audit and be present during its conduct. The RIDP facilitators should also help the MDU prepare a presentation on Social Audit for the citizens. 1 full visit - preparation of the MDU for social audit (presentation of the goals and objectives of social audit, the process of conducting, filling in the documentation) and preparation of Community Participatory Monitoring Committee for Community Participatory Monitoring (CPM) (the process of behavior and how to make a presentation of the results of CPM on posters). After successfully conducting 2 social audits (every 6 months) the RIDP facilitators can fully delegate the task to the Community Participatory Monitoring Committee. Nevertheless, the RIDP facilitators should make sure that Social Audits will be carried out during all 3 years of their work with the population. Social Audit Process: - preparation process to Social Audit (description of aims and process of Social Audit, conducted by facilitators for MDU and CPM Committee); - conducting a Social Audit (monitoring and evaluation of the planning and implementation of the QDP, analyses of MDU effectiveness, etc.); - announcing the date of the Social Audit results for the population; - MDU presentations to a large public gathering (about 100 people); - CPM team presentation on their monitoring findings; - Community Response and Questions to MDU; - Action Plan by MDU to address key issues and follow up progress in the next Social Audit.