
In the Andijan region, a number of meetings were held as part of the project

On September 21 of this year, within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development project, rural facilitators held the 3rd social audit event among residents of the mahalla in Bulakbashi (mahalla “Soy”), Marhamat (mahalla &qu…

In the Chust district, a number of meetings were held as part of the project

On September 19 of this year, within the framework of the project “Development of rural infrastructure” in the mahallas “Sarkamysh-Mirzaabad", “Hisorak", “Toymas", “Agasaray" of the Chust di…

Labor protection measures have been carried out in the Syrdarya region

In the mahallas ”Pakhtakor“, ”Dustlik“, ”Bunyodkor“, “Boboyurt", “Mukimi”of Bayavut district of Syrdarya region, as well as in the mahallas "Kahramon" In Khovossky district, lab…

In the Mahalla "Nurlykent" of Zamin district, work on gravel treatment of inte…

During the mobilization work in the framework of the  "Rural infrastructure development" project in Zomin district "Nurlikent" makhalla of the Jizzakh region, the sub-project" Gravel of internal roads " was chos…

Internal roads are being paved in the mahalla "Korabogich" of the Marhamat dist…

Within the framework of the project "Development of rural infrastructure" in the mahalla "Korabogich" of the Marhamat district of the Andijan region, during the mobilization, the residents of the mahalla selected the subprojec…

The digest of the project "Rural infrastructure Development" for the month of A…

Dear subscribers!
We present to your attention the digest of the project "Rural infrastructure Development" for the month of August

New objects were solemnly presented to the residents of Pop and Chust districts

Within the framework of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project on August 29 of this year, took place a solemn presentation of social facilities to the population in Pop and Chust districts of Namangan region.

A meeting was held with engineers and technical supervision specialists

On August 25 of this year, under the leadership of the director of the Rural Infrastructure Development project, Zafar Urakov, a Zoom meeting was held with project engineers and technical supervision specialists. At the meeting, an agreement was …

Roads were paved in the mahalla "Kurgancha"

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 25.11.2020 PP-4898 On measures to implement the "rural infrastructure development project" with the participation of the World Bank and the Asian Infrast…

Monitoring of implemented subprojects continues in the Kushtepa district

On November 25, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a resolution on measures for the implementation of the Rural Infrastructure Development project with the participation of the International Association of the World Bank and…