
Mahalla development unit started the work

On 17 December, project implementation unit specialists, together with qishloq facilitators and engineers, made a resource map together with the the population of the pilot village of Saray, Bakhmal district in Jizzakh region. Temporary Makhalla Dev…

Capacity building training for rural facilitators and engineers

The project implementation unit, together with the World Bank consultant Brigitta Bode, are conducting trainings to enhance the skills and capacity of rural facilitators and rural engineers in Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions. The training will continue…

Constitution day

Happy 28th anniversary of our Constitution!

Presentation of the project in Jizzakh

On 4 December 2020, a seminar on the implementation of the Rural Infrastructure Development project was held in Jizzakh region. The regional administration, deputy hakims of Bakhmal, Zaamin, Farish and Yangiabad districts, heads of relevant departme…

Presentation of the project in Syrdarya

The "Rural Infrastructure Development" project implementation unit presented the project in Syrdarya on 3 December . The meeting was attended by the heads of regional administrations and relevant departments and organizations.

About the project

All documents about the project can be found here

Training for the project implementation unit staff

World Bank consultant conducted 2 days training for the project implementation unit team under the Ministry of economic development and poverty reduction. Brigitta Bode, community mobilization expert, conducted a team building in which each employee…

Demand driven investments

The Project will finance demand-driven investments in basic infrastructure and services at the local level, and local-governance capacity support. Eligible investments in basic and climate-resilient infrastructure and services include: (i) rehabili…