A Grievance Redress Mechanism is available for beneficiaries or other interested stakeholders to submit any questions or concerns they may have about project implementation. Questions or proposals may be submitted through the following channels: - filling the feedback form available at the web-site http://ridp.uz/en/feedback/ - calling the telephone hotline: (71) 232-63-32 - sending an email to ridp@mineconomy.uz - sending a letter to the PIU office: 45A, Islam Karimov Street, Tashkent - leaving a written note in grievances’ boxes which will be maintained at the village, district and regional levels. - speaking to staff in Mahalla Citizen Assemblies, district Khokimiyats, regional Khokimiyats, project facilitators, the Project Implementation Unit, or Facilitating Partners. In addition, the national Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism is available to report any cases of forced labor or child labor that may occur in the implementation of the Project.