Monitoring and oversight, environmental and social safeguards, leadership. Grievance redress, disaster risk mitigation and management, gender mainstreaming, conflict resolution and other trainings.
During the project implementation, village residents will benefit from various trainings.
With support from the Mahalla Citizens’ Assembly, Qishloq Facilitators and Engineers will facilitate all the steps of the process
Structure of the Mahalla Development Unit (MDU): Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and members. MDUs should have a Young Women Subcommittee, and a Young Men Subcommittee
During COVID-19, MDU members will be selected by village residents: 1 man and 1 woman; 1 young man and 1 young woman will be selected in each street in the village
Otherwise, members will be elected, and 60 percent of all eligible voters from each street must vote.
The socio-economic analysis will include:
- Resource map
- Well-being analysis
- Health analysis
- Education analysis
- Seasonal calendar (in selected villages)
The findings from the socio-economic analysis will be presented to community members, who will then develop a vision for the village development. The implementation of the village development plan should be organized in phases, and community members should agree on what should be funded by the project, other donors, and by village residents.
To check if sub-project prioritized by village is not already included in any state programs
To mitigate any possible social and environmental risks, relevant Environmental and Social documents will be prepared throughout project implementation
One firm will be hired per village. A Mahalla Development Unit representative will sit in tender committees that will select the firm
Meeting between design firm and village residents
A Mahalla Development Unit representative will sit in tender committee that will select construction firm
Trained community monitors will check compliance with design agreed, decent labor conditions, etc.
Social audits will ensure accountability of contractors, local administrations etc. Three audits will be conducted in each village during project implementation.
With support from District Project Committee
By relevant ministry. In the case of autonomous water supply projects, operations and maintenance will be carried out by village residents