Наши Субпроекты

Процесс реализации суб-проектов в рамках проекта «Развитие сельской инфраструктуры»
Строительство и оснащение новой современной школы на 264 места на территории СГМ «Сохил» Пахтаабадского района Андижанской области в рамках проекта «Развитие сельской инфраструктуры».
Численность жителей на территории СГМ «Сохил» составляет 2631 человек. В связи с отсутствием общеобразовательной школы на территории СГМ «Сохил», более 410 учащихся школьного возраста, проживающих в этом районе, обучаются в общеобразовательной школе №14, находящейся на расстоянии 2,5-3,0 км. Наименование объекта: Строительство новой современной школы на 264 места на территории СГМ «Сохил» Пахтаабадского района Андижанской области
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
{% trans "Reconstruction and equipping of the branch of school No. 30 in Saroy MCA, Bakhmal district, Jizzakh region, within the Rural Infrastructure Development Project."%}
{% trans "The number of residents in the territory of Saroy MCA is 2789 people. Name of the subproject: Reconstruction of the existing 220-seat school in accordance with the requirements of modern architecture in Saroy MCA, Bakhmal district, Jizzakh region. Current state of the school: Secondary school No. 30, located on the territory of Saray MCA, was built in 1976 for 240 students. Also, a branch of the school in the area was built in 1985, and later adapted to accommodate 120 students. Today, a total of 484 students (including 419 in the school and 65 in the school branch) study at this school and school branch."%}
School Saroy
School Saroy
Процесс реализации проекта
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
{%trans "The process of implementation of the tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 10.09 km in Madaniyat MCA in Bakhmal district of Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 11,92 km in Oykor MCA in Bakhmal District of Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 25,55 km in Beshkubi MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 17,12 km in Gulshan MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 12,83 km in Chorvador MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 8,24 km in Turkman MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 33,16 km in Narvon MCA of Forish district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after


Завершенные субпроекты

201523 +

Всего бенефициаров

$ 616377249739



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