Currently, in Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions within the "Rural Infrastructure Development " project, it is planned to select 130 villages in 2021-2022, in this regard, a tender was held and contracts were signed between non-governmental non-profit organizations, facilitating partners, providing for participation in the process of mobilization and selecting subprojects of project villages. In order to conduct community mobilization works in Andijan and Fergana regions, the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development ACTED (France), the Secretariat for International Water (Canada), the Yukalish National Movement and the non-governmental organization Taraqqiyot (Uzbekistan) will implement their activities in 63 villages. At the same time, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development, СEED (Bulgaria), Limited Liability Company “Rhytm Plus” (Uzbekistan) will start implementation in 67 villages of the Namangan region.