The ongoing community mobilization works in April and May in MCAs of Zamin district , Farish district , Yangiabad district, Jizzakh region; and Sardoba district, Syrdarya region with the participation of MDU members and its youth committee, an initial "Qishloq Development Plan" was drafted and discussed. As previously reported, the Qishloq facilitators and engineers carried out a number of socio-economic analyzes with the participation of the population to select subprojects of basic infrastructure objects in village; independent observers also took part in the discussion of QDP. At the same time, Qishloq facilitators and engineers conducted a training capacity building seminar on the following topics: "Leadership Skills” and “How to Organize Meetings”, “Share Information Transparently” and “How to Become Successful Leaders” for T-MDU members in Zamin district, Jizzakh region, and Khavas district, Syrdarya region. All information about the work carried out within the framework of the project and the subprojects selected by the population is regularly covered on our official website, Telegram and Facebook channels.