As part of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project, Qishloq Facilitators and Qishloq Engineers from the project’s partner organizations “CEED” (Bulgaria) and “Rhythm Plus” (Uzbekistan) have launched a new series of capacity-building activities for members of the Mahalla Development Groups and Public Monitoring Groups in 117 target Mahalla Citizens’ Assemblies (MCAs) in Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana regions.
These activities also include interactive training sessions on topics such as “Community Monitoring of Construction Progress,” “The Role of the GRM and Public Monitoring Groups,” “Procedures for Drafting, Reviewing, and Managing Citizen Appeals Submitted under RIDP Subprojects,” “Conflict Resolution,” “The Importance of Environmental Protection Measures During Construction,” and “Effective Collaboration Between MCGs, Project and Contractor Organizations, JPIU, and Local Authorities,” among others.
The events are scheduled to continue until the end of January 2025.