As part of the second phase of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project, a meeting was held in Khojaabad mahalla of Pap district of Namangan province with participation of qishloq facilitators Bakhodir Sultanov, Nargiza Yandasheva, engineer Gayratjon Abidov, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of GRM, as well as members of the Youth Sub-committee. The meeting was aimed at collectively mobilizing the mahalla residents to finalize the Qishloq Development Plan.
The meeting participants were divided into six groups, with representatives from each group sharing their findings on the work done and data analysis. After that, the participants grouped into street groups to hold opinion sharing sessions. Based on the discussions, Qishloq Development Plan were formed with future perspectives in mind. A group was also created to monitor the state of social life in the mahallas.
After the meeting, the participants noted that the event was held in a constructive and interesting atmosphere, and important issues were selected for discussion.