The Project will finance demand-driven investments in basic infrastructure and services at the local level, and local-governance capacity support. Eligible investments in basic and climate-resilient infrastructure and services include: (i) rehabilitation of existing rural drinking water supplies and sanitation systems to expand access, through innovative alternative models, to rural drinking water and sanitation services; (ii) retrofitting of public buildings for energy efficiency; (iii) rehabilitation of social infrastructure; (iv) rehabilitation of tertiary roads, walkways, and footpaths; (v) road drainage and strengthening offlood resilience of rural roads; (vi) bridge rehabilitation and construction (up to 10 meters long); (vii) upgrading of street lighting; (viii) improvements to public spaces; (ix) solid-waste management systems; (x) small-scale construction of public facilities; (xi) installation of antennas to provide wireless internet services; (xii) construction and rehabilitation of bus terminals and stops; and (xiii) energy supply activities. Communications and village outreach, citizen engagement, and local-governance capacity building activities will support Project implementation. Qishloq facilitators and engineers will provide technical assistance, training, and capacity-building to Mahalla Development Units and District Project Committees.