From 13 to 17 May this year in Namangan region, on the basis of a schedule developed by RIDP partners, village facilitators and engineers, a series of conversations regarding social audit was held together with the population. These meetings were held in the following MCAs: "Guzar" MCA of Chust district, "Korik" MCA of Yangikurgan district, "Madaniyat" MCA of Pap district, "Turik" MCA of Chartak district, "Govozon" MCA of Yangikurgan region, "Arbagish" MCA of Chartak district, "Yakkatol" MCA of Mingbulak region. In total, more than 2,000 citizens of the above MCAs took part in the conversations. During these meetings, male and female residents of these MCAs expressed their positive opinion about the surveys conducted by the Monitoring Group on social audit and the timing of the project, control over the implementation of subprojects by the public, as well as the quality of the subprojects being implemented. Residents shared their opinion about all the meetings, and could ask their questions to the organizers of the meetings.