Bizning subloyihalarimiz

Qishloq infratuzilmasini rivojlantirish loyihasi doirasida sub-loyihalarni amalga oshirish jarayoni
Qishloq infratuzilmasini rivojlantirish loyihasi doirasida Andijon viloyati Paxtaobod tumani Sohil MFY hududida 264 o'rinli yangi zamonaviy maktab qurish va jihozlari bilan ta'minlash.
Sohil MFY hududida yashovchilar soni 2631 kishi. Sohil MFY hududida umumta'lim maktabi yo'qligi bois ushbu hududda yashovchi maktab yoshidagi 410 nafardan ortiq o'quvchilar 2,5-3,0 km masofadagi 14-sonli umumta'lim maktabiga qatnab ta'lim-tarbiya oladi. Obyektning nomi: Andijon viloyati Paxtaobod tumani Sohil MFY hududida 264 o'rinli yangi zamonaviy maktab qurish
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
School Sokhil
{% trans "Reconstruction and equipping of the branch of school No. 30 in Saroy MCA, Bakhmal district, Jizzakh region, within the Rural Infrastructure Development Project."%}
{% trans "The number of residents in the territory of Saroy MCA is 2789 people. Name of the subproject: Reconstruction of the existing 220-seat school in accordance with the requirements of modern architecture in Saroy MCA, Bakhmal district, Jizzakh region. Current state of the school: Secondary school No. 30, located on the territory of Saray MCA, was built in 1976 for 240 students. Also, a branch of the school in the area was built in 1985, and later adapted to accommodate 120 students. Today, a total of 484 students (including 419 in the school and 65 in the school branch) study at this school and school branch."%}
School Saroy
School Saroy
Loyihani amalga oshirish jarayoni
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
School Saroy
{%trans "The process of implementation of the tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 10.09 km in Madaniyat MCA in Bakhmal district of Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 11,92 km in Oykor MCA in Bakhmal District of Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 25,55 km in Beshkubi MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 17,12 km in Gulshan MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 12,83 km in Chorvador MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 8,24 km in Turkman MCA of Zomin district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after
{% trans "The process of implementation of tertiary road repair subproject with a total length of 33,16 km in Narvon MCA of Forish district in Jizzakh region."%}
road after
road after


Tugallangan subloyihalar

201523 +

Jami foyda oluvchilar

$ 616377249739



Jami izohlar